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About Me

It's not either or, it's and. 

— talking to myself



I came to photography at 16, via photo journalism. When I could no longer ask, "would you like fries with that?" I begged the local paper to hire me. I learned two important things. 1) how to type from my head without writing it down. 2) how to use a 35mm camera. I've studied photography off and on ever since. Kicking and screaming, I entered the digital world. i still don't fully understand Photoshop and I'm a gut photographer as opposed to a techie. I long to return to the darkroom -like an airplane, I'm unavailable when I'm in there, and it's very difficult to click over to facebook from the darkroom. Occasionally, I do portrait photography - specializing in unusual locations, animals and children. Unusually drawn to naturally lighted macro photography - both dslr and iPhone, 

Why Photography?

Photography is my pathway to the  unseen. I'll spend hours exploring a tiny area through my lens, finding worlds within worlds within worlds. 

I'll lose an entire afternoon photographing puppies, horses, chickens (see above just say no exhibit for evidence).

With digital photography I can take a bejillion photographs. Later, as I go through them, I'm once again immersed in a world I would've missed. Or, I find captured expressions in stilled moments - the essence of the subject.   

Macro photography holds amazing surprises. Once, when I went through the days photos,  I discovered I'd captured a ladybug having a standoff with a group of aphids on a plant stem. Or maybe, she was choosing who she was gonna eat first. I'm not sure. Either way, that little gem was like Christmas morning. 

My Favs

I especially love working with my vintage Holga and Holga lens. March, 2018, one of my Holga images appears in the Soho Photo Gallery's 20th Annual Krappy Kamera Show. 

Along with my darkroom love, is an affair with alternative processing. 

Work with Me

Have an upcoming project?  An idea you'd like to bounce around? I'd love to collaborate with you! 

Get in touch with me using my contact form to discuss rates, scheduling and more.

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